Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Economics article commentary

the article:

· What was your article about?

The Article is definitely full of New Ideas, it is written by Jaideep Mishra who is trying to look outside of the box, also trying to improve the economy. Mainly the article is about growth and changing the present, it kind of explains that the demand for goods and services is of course influencing the economy growth and development.

· How the economic terms you highlighted used in the article? 
It was used in a way to describe something else
- Economy/economics: is used for describing how mature the economic they have is.
- Economic growth; it is the beginning of the article kind of the theme
- Economic development: do need to nurture the best talent and     practitioners
- Goods: delivering them all over the world
- Macroeconomics: how it began after the great Depression
- Services: demand of services and goods

·  Do your definitions for the terms match the use in the article? If not, what question are you left with?

·Did you learn more about the economic terms in question from the article? Did you learn anything else? Explain?

Yes, I did specially the macroeconomic, how it began and why. And other words this article is more like an opinion so I got to see what does the terms mean for the writer him self

·Eventually you will learn to analyze the use of the terms by providing your opinion about the subject, evidence or explanation for your opinion by referring to economic theories, and a conclusion about the piece. Can you try that with this article?

In my opinion the article is looking in the future and the past, it’s looking for ways to improve the economic, The centre of gravity of the global economy is unmistakenly shifting east, certainly in terms of sheer economic growth, it’s trying to change  how we look in the world , We do need new knowledge to better traverse the growth path going forward. So why? Given the huge potential and real possibilities for socio-economic development, we do need to nurture the best talent and practitioners in development economics and related fields. It would only be fitting with the longest serving PM of recent years. And if we don’t it will destroy our purpose and the start of a good economic future
So basically Keynes's policy prescription of government responsibility for managing the economy — inducing stimulus when private sector demand is weak, and discouraging overheating by way of tighter fiscal and or monetary policy when it is too strong — seems to have delivered the goods again, across the globe.
Which means put your mind and we will change and grow over time

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